Often when attempting to mediate, one party will have the idea but experience difficulty in extending the invitation to the other party or parties, in the dispute.
Securing acceptance of the mediation concept is often more likely if the invitation is extended through a neutral party like Family Resolve. We have experience in presenting mediation as the best option. Our aim is to establish a channel of good communication between you and your partner or ex partner. We will maximise the opportunity for a successful event using the following steps:
- extend a formal invitation to the other party or parties in the dispute for you.
- from a neutral position, explain the merits of mediation, the value of considering mediation and all the procedures and routines.
- determine who should be present at the mediation and arrange for their attendance,
- secure a date and time suitable to the participants.
- Arrange for the participants to execute agreements to ensure full understanding and the proper level of commitment to participate.
- from the participants, secure a summary of the salient matters surrounding the case for the mediators guidance.
- remind the participants of the date and time prior to the mediation; and supply the proper documentation to be executed at the mediation.
We are open to discussing any details of your particular case with you, in view of attaining the very best results through the mediation process.
Commence your Mediation nowOnline mediation presents no geographical boundaries and works across time zones at the convenience of all parties involved. We will provide a high level of care and attention with your family dispute resolution process, and aim for satisfactory outcomes for all parties involved in mediation.
Please take the time to explore the site and learn about what mediation is and the benefits it can bring you. For further reading visit the Australian Mediation Association’s website.